Best Keto Snack List

It's a scenario we've all experienced - you didn't bring quite enough food for lunch and the afternoon hunger pains strike with a vengeance.
Although a ketogenic diet, which focuses on filling quality fats and proteins, is one of the most satiating ways to's sometimes necessary to have a snack to tide you over until the next meal.
There are so many common snack foods that are not keto-friendly.
Think vending machines, stuff like granola bars, pretzels, and crackers.
It can be very tempting to cheat in situations when you're hungry and there may not be any good options, but those additional carbs can be costly when it comes to your weight loss goals.
To help you navigate these tricky situations we put together a helpful list of the best keto snacks.
1. Olives.
These days you can find olives in just about every supermarket and even in some well-stocked convenience stores.
Olives are full of heart-healthy fats with very little carbs or protein.
If you buy jarred olives be sure to read the nutritional information to confirm there aren't any sneaky carbs in there.
2. Pork rinds.
Just because potato chips are off the table doesn't mean that you can't have something crunchy and salty to snack on.
Pork rinds are just the ticket.
Just take care to buy a brand that's made with only pork rinds and salt.
3. Nuts and nut butters.
Some nuts have more carbs than others.
We suggest macadamia nuts as they contain high amounts of monounsaturated fat and minimal omega-6 content.
Nut butters made with almonds, pecans, and macadamia nuts, are a good option too.
With any nut-based snack keep an eye on the portion as they are easy to overeat.
4. Keto-friendly dark chocolate and cacao nibs.
Craving something a bit sweet? A small square of stevia-sweetened dark chocolate or regular chocolate that has at least an 80% cocoa content or higher is a safe choice.
Cacao nibs are great too, especially when added to nut butter.
The calories add up quickly though so keep the portions small.
You can also easily make dozens of keto snacks at home.
Taking the time to prepare high-quality snacks for yourself will save you from tempting situations.
When you're in need of a bite to eat out in the world.
5. Some of the best options include avocados.
A ripe avocado cut in half and sprinkled with a bit of salt and pepper is a tasty fat loaded snack.
Mash it up with a touch of mayonnaise and a sprinkle of your favorite dried herb for a different take, or try homemade guacamole.
Combine high-fat low-protein cheeses such as mascarpone and cream cheese, with other snacks like pork rinds and nuts for a keto-friendly treat.
You can also incorporate cheese's into dips like our spicy sausage cheese dip.
6. Bacon.
Cook up a double batch of bacon and keep a container in the fridge to stay one step ahead.
Enjoy bacon on its own or combine with other ingredients like bacon-wrapped asparagus.
7. Fat bombs.
Fat bombs are a combination of ketogenic ingredients that contain over 90% fat.
8. Pickles.
Sugar-free pickles like our fire and ice pickles, can really hit the spot when you want something salty and sour.
They're also super-low in calories.
9. Kale chips.
Package brands of kale chips can contain additional carbs.
Try making them at home for the most keto-friendly and economic version.
10. Homemade bone broth.
Savory, warm, and comforting.
Bone broth also touts many nutritional benefits.
The best way to keep it truly keto is to make it at home.
11. Hard-boiled and deviled eggs.
Hard-boiled and deviled eggs are simple and quick snacks to make at home and to have ready to go in the fridge.
12. Drinks.
Unsweetened coffee and iced tea.
Keto-proof coffee and keto friendly smoothies can be an ideal way to chase away cravings.
After all, sometimes when we think we're hungry we're actually just tired bored or simply thirsty.
Just because all of these snacks are low-carb doesn't mean you can eat an unlimited amount of them, and while homemade snacks are a better choice than highly processed snack foods, overeating them can slow down or stop the weight loss progress you've been working so hard for.