Strengthen Your Core Anywhere: The Ultimate Ab Workout

By Putri PD
Strengthen Your Core Anywhere: The Ultimate Ab Workout


A strong core is more than just having great abs. Your core muscles are essential for body stability, posture, and injury prevention. Whether you're lifting heavy objects or simply walking, your core supports every movement. In this article, I'll guide you through a simple core workout. You can do it anywhere, anytime, without a gym. The exercises target all major core muscles, building strength and endurance.

Let's dive into the workout!

The Core Abs Workout Routine

This routine has two circuits. They need no equipment and little space. Aim for 3-4 sets to maximize your results. Ready to get started?

Circuit 1

1. Plank Thrusters

  • How to do it: Place both hands on the floor, elbows down, and grasp your hands together. Get into a plank position with your feet up. Drop your hips toward the floor without letting them rest on the ground. Your back should be slightly hollow. Exhale as you lift your hips toward the sky, rotating your shoulders to create a triangle shape. Feet stay still. Reps: 10

2. Plank Sways

  • How to do it: Start in a flat plank position and sway your hips side to side. For a more advanced move, bring both hips down to the floor in a half-circle motion. Keep your core tight throughout the movement. Reps: 10 (5 per side).

3. Mountain Climbers

  • How to do it: In the plank position, rapidly move your feet as if you're climbing. Keep your back straight and your core tight. This will work your shoulders, core, and legs. Reps: 20 total (10 per leg)

4. Russian Twists

  • How to do it: Sit down and lean back with your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest. Lift your feet off the ground, keeping your ankles together. Rotate your shoulders side to side, making sure to touch the ground on each side. If this is too hard, keep your feet on the floor. Reps: 10 per side.

Repeat Circuit 1 3-4 times for a full set. Take a short breather between rounds if needed.

Circuit 2

Once you’ve completed Circuit 1, move on to this next sequence. This set will add some variation to keep your workout balanced and challenging.

1. Transverse Toe Touches

  • How to do it: Lie flat on the ground with your arms in a "T" shape. Lift one leg and the opposite arm, touching your toe (or reaching as far as you can). Switch sides with each rep, using your core to crunch up. Reps: 10 total (5 per side).

2. Full Mummy Sit-Ups

  • How to do it: Start flat on the ground with your arms straight up toward the ceiling and legs straight. Sit up in a controlled motion, keeping your arms extended and legs flat. Then, slowly return to the ground. Think of yourself as a mummy rising from the dead! Reps: 10

3. Modified Jackknives

  • How to do it: Sit upright with your hands placed behind your glutes. Extend your legs out and, as you exhale, tuck your knees into your chest. If needed, lightly tap your heels on the floor between reps. Reps: 10

4. Butt Kicks (Light Cardio)

  • How to do it: Stand up and jog in place, bringing your heels toward your butt with each step. Keep your core tight and shoulders back. This will help loosen up your muscles and elevate your heart rate. Duration: 30 seconds.

Repeat Circuit 2 three to four times to complete your workout.


Congratulations! You have now worked your core. The circuits strengthen every muscle from your shoulders to your legs. The key to seeing results is consistency, so try to incorporate this workout into your routine 2-3 times per week. Remember to focus on your form, control your movements, and breathe through each exercise.

With time, you'll notice improvements in your posture, balance, and strength. Plus, a strong core will help reduce your risk of injury and support your daily activities. Keep at it, and soon you'll feel the difference!

Want to see these exercises in action? Watch the full video version of this workout by clicking here—it's completely free!