7 Common Mistakes People Make on The Ketogenic Diet

7 Common Mistakes People Make on The Ketogenic Diet

It's important to know that the Ketogenic Diet is not just about eating bacon, butter, and avocados every day. While these high-fat foods are a great addition to the diet, they are not an excuse to eat any old carbs you please. Knowing what foods to exclude on the keto diet is just as important as knowing what foods to include. To help you avoid these mistakes, here are seven common mistakes people make on The Ketogenic Diet:

Mistake #1: Not Eating Enough Carbs

The ketogenic diet is very high in fat and only moderate in carbohydrates. People starting on this diet may feel that they are not getting enough carbs at first, but this is just a mental block. If you eat more fat than carbohydrates, your body may complain by increasing hunger or making you feel tired and weak. It would help if you tried to get enough carbs (without going over your limit) and fats until you find the right balance of macronutrients.

Mistake #2: Eating Too Few Fats

The diet plan is high in fat, so that means you need to eat enough of it. People on this diet may forget to eat enough fat, thinking that if they do not consume too much fat, they will stay in ketosis. This is not only a mistake but can actually be detrimental to your health.

Mistake #3: Not Eating Enough Protein

The ketogenic diet is very high in fat, especially in the first stages. You should avoid eating too little protein, as this will lead to muscle loss. Protein is an essential nutrient that will give you strength and energy during the low-carb diet plan.

Mistake #4: Overeating Protein

This mistake can be pretty dangerous as well! The ketogenic diet is high in fat, but you still need protein. 

When starting on the ketogenic diet, there is a lot of confusion regarding how much protein to consume. You cannot overeat protein, but you also cannot eat too little. A safe answer would be, for someone who exercises moderately or not at all, 0.8g of protein per kg body weight is an excellent place to start, and it can often be increased up to 1.2g/kg in the days after exercise when muscle loss may be more common.

Mistake #5: Not Eating Enough Fiber

Fiber is an essential nutrient crucial for maintaining good intestinal health, especially when on the ketogenic diet. It will help you lose weight, and it will also reduce your risk of colon cancer and diabetes. You must aim to eat at least 30 grams of fiber a day. Good sources of fiber include; vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans.

`Mistake #6: Taking Too Many Vitamins or Supplements

Vitamins and supplements are not allowed on the ketogenic diet, but it is also unnecessary to consume these nutrients. Some people mistakenly take supplements, thinking that they can help them lose weight.

Mistake #7: Eating Too Many Non-Starchy Vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables are low in carbohydrates and, therefore, a lot of people think it is OK to eat as many as they want. But this is a mistake because these vegetables contain fiber which ultimately means that you will be consuming more carbs than you planned.

The ketogenic diet is not just about eating high-fat foods. Knowing what to eat but also what not to eat is a crucial aspect of this diet. Keep these seven mistakes in mind while you're on the keto lifestyle, and you should have an easier time following the plan!