5 Reasons You Need to Sleep Better

5 Reasons You Need to Sleep Better

Sleep is one of your most basic needs as a human being. Every person has approximately the same need but depending on your genetics, lifestyle, and other factors, you may need to adjust your way of thinking and your lifestyle to ensure that you are getting the amount of sleep you need, when you need it, in the way that you need it. 

There are numerous reasons you need to sleep better every night. Sleeping poorly accounts for several less-than-ideal health outcomes. The great thing is sleeping is something everyone really can do and should do. Unfortunately, many people feel guilty about their need for sleep and don’t prioritize it. You’re not superhuman. You need sleep. Let’s explore the many reasons you need better sleep.

It’s Easier to Maintain a Healthy Weight

Many studies show that sleeping from six to nine hours a night improves blood sugar balance, which ultimately causes you to eat less, which helps you maintain a healthier weight.

The truth is, one of the biggest factors associated with people who have poor sleep quality is obesity. If you don’t sleep well at night, you’re more than 50% more likely to be or become obese. So if you are obese and don’t sleep well, consider working on that to boost your chances since science says that people who sleep better make better food selections, exercise options, and eat less. 

You’ll Enhance Your Focus and Concentration

If you want a productivity booster, consider sleeping the gas that fuels your motivation because being well-rested makes it easier to focus and concentrate on what you are doing and your goals. 

Sleep will improve your ability to concentrate, making it easier to be more productive. You are thinking clearly, and your mind and body are working at their optimum level because you’re sleeping well. So if you’re not trying to dose off during your working hours or when enjoying your friends and family, you’re going to be happier and be able to focus better in all areas of your life. 

Sleeping Well Maximizes Your Performance 

College and professional athletes know that getting a good night’s sleep before any event is the most important thing that they can do to maximize their performance. This is true for more cerebral activities, too, like chess tournaments or a big test. 

Studying and trying to learn everything the night before isn’t as effective as sticking to a long-term training schedule that includes plenty of daily practice and ensuring that you get a full night’s sleep every night – especially the night before the performance. 

If you have trouble making decisions or answering questions on a test or getting in your daily workout, sleeping well should be the first goal you make to help you improve all aspects of your life, affecting your success and productivity.

You’ll Experience Superior Health Outcomes

We already know that people who sleep better at night tend to have lower BMIs, so it just makes sense that your overall health is going to improve by sleeping better. People who report poor sleep habits also end up having a higher incidence of stroke and heart disease. The main reason is that a lack of sleep increases your inflammatory response, which affects all areas of your health. 

Sleep affects your heart disease chances, but it also affects your glucose metabolism, which can reduce your chances of developing diabetes. If you experience insulin sensitivity or resistance, ask yourself whether you’re sleeping as well as you should. Unfortunately, you’re not sleeping as well as you need to for optimizing health. Thankfully, this is something you can improve with practice. 

Additionally, sleeping reduces your chances of catching viruses. For example, studies show that sleeping less than 7 hours a night increases your chances of developing a cold by more than three times compared to those who slept for 8 hours or more each night. 

Your Mood and Mental State Will Be Improved 

One of the more immediately noticeable benefits of sleeping well at night is that your mental state and mood will vastly improve by sleeping at least 7 to 9 hours every night or at least most nights. Remember, anything you do in life, if you do it at least at 80 percent accuracy, you’re going to reap most of the benefits, so don’t try to be perfect. Just try to get it right eight times out of 10.

Sleep loss affects your ability to interact with others on a social basis and a work basis. If you don’t get enough sleep, your mood will be affected deeply, making you feel less happy about your life even if your life is subjectively good. In addition, it’s thought that sleeping poorly affects your recognition of social cues provided by others. When you don’t understand what others are meaning or doing, it increases your anxiety and makes you less happy.

Now that you understand why you need to sleep better, let’s get to the tips that will help you create the best sleeping environment possible to get a good night’s sleep. Read our article on how to avoid insomnia and sleep better every night.